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时间:2024-04-26 10:56:09







Disease Activity Patterns in Incident Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in the First 3-Years of Follow up
Background/Purpose: Disease progression in longitudinal
studies of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is usually assessed by examining a measure
of disease over time fixed time intervals. We sought to use a multi-state

model: (1)
to provide a descriptive analysis of patients’ disease states defined by the DAS-28
disease index throughout the first three years of treatment; (2) to determine
the time spent in each disease state; and (3) to estimate the probabilities of
changing between disease states.

Methods: Patients were selected from an
ongoing prospective study of RA if they had active disease
(>= 1 swollen or tender joint) and at least 2 follow-up visits to their rheumatologist.
The DAS-28 score was collected at each visit and assigned to one of four
category scores, from remission to high disease activity, using the ACR
criteria. A multi-state (4-state) Markov model was fitted to describe patient progression
through disease states over time to account for the irregular time intervals in
our data considering time as a continuous variable allowing us to examine real-world disease course over time. Multiple piecewise transition parameters
for the Markov model were fit to determine if patients have differential
transitions at different time periods.

Results: There were 3014 visits in 586
patients with visits distributed arbitrarily over the 3-year follow-up window.
At baseline, about 50% of patients were in high disease activity, but patients
respond rapidly, moving out of this health state spending on average 0.17
years, 95% CI (0.19, 0.23) there. At baseline about 8% of patients were in
DAS-28 remission, which rose rapidly at 0.5 years 25% probability and 1 year
with about 40% of patients in remission. Once a patient achieved remission, the
mean duration before moving to another disease state was 0.81 years, 95% CI (0.67,
0.97). By 1.5 years after initiation of treatment, patients in each disease state
remained relatively constant indicating no net movement between health states.
The piecewise model indicated that patients at 6-months had a differential movements
through disease states then at any other time point. Patients starting in the
highest disease state took the longest about 1.1 years to reach their first
remission compared to 0.9 and 0.8 years for the moderate and low groups.

Conclusion: Individual patients transition
between disease states in the first 3 years of treatment at differential times; the first 6-months are critical with the first year seeing rapid movement between states. Within the first 6-months, dramatic reductions are realized in patients with high disease activity in parallel with an observed increase in the proportion of patients achieving remission. Our analysis indicates the critical first year of treatment before a steady disease state with no net movement will be reached.
Major changes in the first year of treatment could be a result of treat-to target strategy.